Back Training tip:
Using the cable row often leads to massive trunk and hip extension. It’s not so much deliberate but as you start to fatigue then you kind of get a little help with “other” muscles. That’s ok if you’re aiming to go super heavy and get a full body workout. But if you’re doing cable rows towards the end of your back workout and you’re trying to keep things strict, then this could be an option.
Place: a towel, or a foam roller, or a Matt, or couple shoulder pads from the squat bar – in-front of your knees and then put your knees against the foot plates. Then row the cable using strict form and no hip flexion/extension.
Also try using various grips like a wider grip, maybe using a straight bar to keep your elbows tucked in more. Remember to pull with your elbows as your trying to do shoulder extension and scapular retraction and depression.
This works best if your cable row is a high pulley. Give it a go next time you train back.
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